Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Gabriel Harvey, 1552-1631: Sonnet XI

BLACKE Art auaunt : and Haile thrise-grace-full Grace,
That whitest white on Earth, or Heauen exceedes,
In purity, and souerainety immense.
Or locke my mouth : or schoole my infant-lippes,
Resplendent lightes of Milky Way to sing,
Rare subiectes of thy indulgence supreame.
Yet what should I conspicuous Mirrours sing,
That radiantly display their beauteous beames
Of glistring Vertue, and reshining Witt :
The Luminaries great of little world?
Folly imposibilities attempts :
Astonishment such brightnesse best becummes :
     Or lend me Pegasus, thy mounting winges :
     And let me heare, how quire of Angels singes.


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